[Wiskidsdv] Delaware Coalition THRIVE Webinar Series: Liberated Parenting Strategies 1-2:30pm CST

Cody Warner via Wiskidsdv wiskidsdv at lists.wcadvlists.org
Wed Feb 15 10:37:45 PST 2017

Upcoming Webinar Series


THRIVE Webinar Series: February 2017
Join us as we continue our collaborative learning series in support of Delaware's efforts to become more trauma-informed!

Liberated Parenting Strategies
February 22, 2017 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST
Societal and structural violence is intrinsically linked to violence in the home.  This webinar will feature Trina Greene Brown, the founder of Parenting for Liberation-- which is a hub of resources of liberated parenting strategies. Trina will share tools and strategies informed by an intergenerational collective of activist parents of color that address the root causes of multiple forms of violence.  This webinar will offer a space for DV advocates to learn best practices to engage with a network of liberated parents who are change agents fighting for a world where all children can be liberated.  Participants will walk away with Parenting for Liberation resource guide and workbook tools for engaging in liberated parenting practices.

Who Should Attend? This webinar is for new or experienced advocates working in domestic violence or other settings, who seek practical guidance on how to become more culturally sensitive to families impacted by trauma, societal and structural violence and offer support to families on liberated parenting practices.

To prepare: Visit the Parenting for Liberation<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014HigFblrlkZmdmaDTQtsuCZJ40cDRhrRRo34Mm_9tiuBoNS8cF9m6LI1K8Rf-9zRs_XNGr-sqPuoQd6FCzUrUjqCdHP_vXYbtCsYK2rKzJxwE5EpmfYaFi8jpV5KPHfIswSNJk1RvFFeBJrjfWJObLXIVZ8O9doPlXiaJq6PpKU9V865Lfh76g==&c=INKIZIJiArJKke4X-q5mG8mrRArkngW42qCR5VG-WHKnbKePaa0ZrQ==&ch=Spur_y-qJXZ8F7isvwjN07GFFb_OqrdpBDQfM8DeJjt5mHV0Vx1oJA==> blog and podcast.
Guests: Trina Greene Brown, Founder, Parenting for Liberation
Trina Greene Brown has worked in violence prevention for the past 15 years, managing multiple local and national initiatives. Before creating Parenting for Liberation, Trina engaged leaders within the violence against women's movement to build an inclusive gender and racial justice movement via her role as Outreach and Engagement Manager at Move to End Violence, a ten-year initiative of the NoVo Foundation. She also served as a Director for the YMCA, incorporating violence prevention education focusing on resiliency in the Department of Youth Development. Formerly a Manager at Peace Over Violence, a social service agency dedicated to the elimination of sexual and domestic violence and all forms of interpersonal violence, Trina co-authored a female empowerment curriculum, Be Strong: From The Inside Out and contributed to the second revision of In Touch With Teens, a nationally recognized relationship violence prevention curriculum. She is proud to co-parent two African American children, whom she raises with her husband in California to reach for the stars.

Learning Objectives:

  *   Explore parenting strategies grounded in domestic violence prevention that both promote healthy gender norms and self-concepts, while reconciling the challenges children with marginalized identities face in safely navigating the world
  *   Compare the concept of parenting for protection to parenting for liberation
  *   Identify steps DV advocates and helping professionals can take in helping families seek liberation and freedom on multiple fronts

Register for this webinar<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014HigFblrlkZmdmaDTQtsuCZJ40cDRhrRRo34Mm_9tiuBoNS8cF9m6LI1K8Rf-9zR5mykFphmgIXJbTN3av2oaLFOy53RSBGc_Se3XtuXohiA-SX21VVyXoAo5CL22Joy_zvWhPeF-fvlC2AR5KauXOvYp_o5N2-kTeYh4cj2bza4Th1qKW8yloIQW0HAQN1UDk5LKn3niKqjDdb_dRSPQDia__6tYhlK&c=INKIZIJiArJKke4X-q5mG8mrRArkngW42qCR5VG-WHKnbKePaa0ZrQ==&ch=Spur_y-qJXZ8F7isvwjN07GFFb_OqrdpBDQfM8DeJjt5mHV0Vx1oJA==>

Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence | t<mailto:ecurry at dcadv.org>raining at dcadv.org |
302-658-2958| w<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014HigFblrlkZmdmaDTQtsuCZJ40cDRhrRRo34Mm_9tiuBoNS8cF9m6AJmOd2VDPHgJVwU-yTUcEwpwEuXp_OG79yXYUdWxhGLLCldLV8t1iOBlDZMQYpeXPtHTFgnvqABIQ3H169vfOTLNn09qiSfK93HHKi-Hw1HkHvViqNWLBQ=&c=INKIZIJiArJKke4X-q5mG8mrRArkngW42qCR5VG-WHKnbKePaa0ZrQ==&ch=Spur_y-qJXZ8F7isvwjN07GFFb_OqrdpBDQfM8DeJjt5mHV0Vx1oJA==>ww.dcadv.org

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Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 903, Wilmington, DE 19801

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