[Wiskidsdv] [2-Week Reminder] 11-27-17 Children & Youth conference Call

Laura Giddley vipcoor at vipadvocates.net
Mon Nov 27 02:35:42 PST 2017


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From: wiskidsdv at lists.wcadvlists.org
Sent: Tue, 14 Nov 2017 14:44:49 +0000
To: wiskidsdv at wcadvlists.org
Subject: [Wiskidsdv] [2-Week Reminder] 11-27-17 Children & Youth conference Call

 Hello Everyone, This a 2 week reminder that there is a Children & Youth Conference Call (CYCC) onMONDAY 11/27/17 from 2:00pm-3:00pm . For this month’s topic  we will discuss Children & Youth Advocate Challenges. To participate in the call,dial 866-583-0987. When asked for the conference code, enter 255-07-14. I have scheduled the rest of the years CYCCs for those who want to plan further ahead. I will notify the listserv if there are any deviations from the dates and times below.If there is a topic you’d particularly like to discuss, get in touch with me ahead of time and I’ll make sure that we cover it during a call.  

 Children & Youth Conference Call Schedule 2016 

 Date  Day of Week  Time  Topic 

 1/25/2017  Wednesday  2:30pm-3:30pm  CANCELLED 

 2/16/2017  Thursday  9:00am-10:00am  TDVAM & Teen Groups 

 3/27/2017  Monday  10:00am-11:00am  Child Abuse Prevention & Awareness Month Discussions 

 4/25/2017  Tuesday  11:00am-12:00pm  Co-Advocacy Chai Moua 

 5/17/2017  Wednesday  1:00pm-2:00pm  Children & Youth Advocate Challenges 

 6/29/2017  Thursday  2:00pm-3:00pm  Children & Youth Advocate Challenges 

 7/31/2017  Monday  9:00am-10:00am  CANCELLED 

 8/29/2017  Tuesday  10:00am-11:00am  Children & Youth Advocate Challenges 

 9/27/2017  Wednesday  11:00am-12:00pm  No one called in 

 10/26/2017  Thursday  1:00pm-2:00pm  Special Education – Megan Sprecher 

 11/27/2017  Monday  2:00pm-3:00pm  Children & Youth Advocate Challenges 

 12/19/2017  Tuesday  9:00am-10:00am  Children & Youth Advocate Challenges 

 These calls are particularly good opportunities for new CY advocates to meet staff from other Wisconsin DV programs, gain resources, and discuss their jobs.  End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin hosts these children and youth program conference calls about once a month. They are an opportunity for any advocate who works with children, youth,teens or parents to connect with other advocates and End Abuse staff and discuss our work. Here are some details:§ While the topic of these calls is advocacy with children, youth, teens, and parents, they are open to any staff in a Wisconsin domestic abuse program.§ Calls are facilitated by Cody Warner, End Abuse Children & Youth Prevention & Outreach Coordinator.§ The calls are free.§ Contact me if you would like to propose a topic for discussion in advance (codyw at endabusewi.org or 608-255-0539 x307).§ We love it when advocates call us, but advanced registration is not required.  I hope you are able to join us!~Cody~  Cody WarnerChildren & Youth Prevention & Outreach CoordinatorEnd Domestic Abuse Wisconsin
1245 E. Washington Ave, Suite 150     Madison, WI 53703Direct phone: (608) 255-0539 X307endabusewi.org  February 4th – 6th  ▪ 2018 Teen Summit ▪ endabusewi.org/teensummit 

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