[Wiskidsdv] Fwd: youth advocate interviews

Jodi Nuthals-Mikulsky jodi at goldenhousegb.org
Tue Dec 15 13:27:57 PST 2020

For anyone who might be interested in participating.

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

We have completed interviews with IPV advocates and are working on
finishing the analysis. When we have some reports and other results, will
send it to the group. Today, I wanted to share that we are hoping to also
interview a few advocates who work directly with children and youth. If you
have any colleagues who work directly with youth and may want to
participate in an interview, please ask them to email Lauren Risser (
lauren.risser at chp.edu) and we would be thrilled to connect with them.

Thank you so much for everything you do,


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Jodi Mikulsky
Golden House
Help and Healing for Domestic Abuse
(920) 435-0100

[image: Brown County United Way]

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