[Wiskidsdv] January 2020 Training Updates

Cody Warner codyw at endabusewi.org
Wed Feb 5 12:33:13 PST 2020


End Abuse has its 2020 in-person trainings available! I've listed a few to note below and attached flyers, including a complete list. We also recently released several resources that are worth checking out, including a report<https://www.endabusewi.org/theres-no-place-like-home-a-housing-research-project-measuring-the-effectiveness-of-housing-services-in-wisconsin-for-survivors-of-domestic-violence/> & podcast<https://www.endabusewi.org/introducing-the-ending-abuse-podcast/> on safe and affordable housing for survivors of domestic violence.

Please help spread the word, and reach out with any questions or if you need assistance!



  *   Housing Resources: The need for safe, immediate, and affordable housing is a significant challenge for survivors of domestic violence and the service providers who work with them. This challenge can be seen across the nation, but surveys have shown it is especially acute in WI.
     *   End Abuse recently released a Housing Research Project<https://www.endabusewi.org/theres-no-place-like-home-a-housing-research-project-measuring-the-effectiveness-of-housing-services-in-wisconsin-for-survivors-of-domestic-violence/> measuring the effectiveness of housing services in WI for survivors of domestic violence. View the full report here<https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/edaw-webinars/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/16221022/Housing-Research-Project.pdf>.
     *   End Abuse also a brand new podcast called Ending Abuse<https://www.endabusewi.org/introducing-the-ending-abuse-podcast/>. The first episode, Coming Home, features the voices of WI advocates, survivors, and policy experts on the topic of safe and affordable housing. Listen on Apple Podcasts<https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ending-abuse/id1495287536>, Spotify<https://open.spotify.com/show/5GI8H0AjHFCxcVWzUkl76x>, Stitcher<https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ending-abuse>, or at http://endingabuse.buzzsprout.com/
  *   The LGBTQ Committee is a statewide committee comprised of individuals who self-identify as LGBTQ and allies that work directly with LGBTQ victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and hook up violence.
     *   For more information view the LGBTQ Committee Overview<https://www.endabusewi.org/lgbtq-committee-overview-v2-012420/>, see the attached flyer, or contact Cody Warner: codyw at endabusewi.org<mailto:codyw at endabusewi.org>.

Trainings & Opportunities

  *   March 4 Economic Empowerment<https://www.endabusewi.org/event/economic-empowerment-train-the-trainer/> training in Menomonie | 9am-4pm, with 1hr lunch break
     *   Join Kathryn Chapman, Director of Education and Membership Services at End Abuse, and Caitlin Canon, Allstate Agency Business Development Agent, who will provide information on Financial Empowerment using the Allstate Purple Purse Curriculum, Moving Ahead Through Financial Management. This curriculum offers strategies to address the financial and safety challenges survivors face when navigating their options. It provides resources to strengthen survivors' confidence in their ability to understand financial fundamentals such as budgeting, saving, building credit and managing debt. This training is for advocates who can commit to support survivors with financial fundamentals and provide one-on-one or group trainings for survivors. Please register<https://www.eventsquid.com/event.cfm?id=9134> for this no cost training sponsored by the Allstate Purple Purse Foundation.

  *   WE LEAD Applications<https://www.endabusewi.org/our-work/outreach-to-underserved-communities/> are now open! WE LEAD is a free leadership program in the domestic & sexual violence field, open to survivors and/or advocates of color in WI. Please apply by end-of-day March 13, and contact Danny Ho (dannyh at endabusewi.org<mailto:dannyh at endabusewi.org>), CJ Doxtater (cjdoxtater at endabusewi.org<mailto:cjdoxtater at endabusewi.org>), or Olivia Osborne (oliviao at endabusewi.org<mailto:oliviao at endabusewi.org>) with questions.
  *   End Abuse offers an as-requested training called Providing Inclusive Services to LGBTQ Victims & Survivors<https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/edaw-webinars/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/24101614/LGBTQ_Training_Overview-Layout-V2-012420.pdf>. It's FREE to member programs of End Abuse & WCASA, as well as to their collaborating partners.
     *   Learn more HERE<https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/edaw-webinars/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/24101614/LGBTQ_Training_Overview-Layout-V2-012420.pdf> or see the attached flyer.
     *   Request a training HERE<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LGBTQTrgInfo>.
  *   2020 Trainings Save the Dates - see the attached flyer (January 2020 Training Update) for details or go HERE<https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/edaw-webinars/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/17144248/January-2020-Training-Update-1.pdf>.
  *   2020 WBTPA Conference<https://thewbtpa.com/wbtpa-annual-conference/>: Save the date for the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Provider Association 2020 meeting and conference, with keynote presenter Ed Gondolf, April 29-May 1.
     *   Learn more HERE<https://thewbtpa.com/wbtpa-annual-conference/>.


2020 Teen Summit Registration is OPEN until February 13!
Click Teen Summit logo below for more info.

Cody Warner, LGBTQ & Youth Program Director
Office :608-255-0539 ext. 376
Direct: 608-237-3449
Pronouns: he, him, his

End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin
1400 E Washington Avenue, Suite 227
Madison, WI 53703
[Teen Summit Logo PNG Transparent Background]<http://www.endabusewi.org/events/teen-summit>  [End Abuse Logo PNG Transparent Background] <http://www.endabusewi.org/>   [Dare2Know PNG Transparent Background - Grey] <http://www.dare2knowwi.org/>

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