[Wiskidsdv] New WE LEAD Applications - Please Share

Cody Warner via Wiskidsdv wiskidsdv at lists.wcadvlists.org
Mon Feb 13 07:42:29 PST 2017

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for duplications. The Wisconsin Empowered! Leadership Enrichment And Development (WE LEAD) program is meant to build new leadership within the movement to end gender-based violence by providing hands-on leadership development opportunities for survivors of violence and/or people from Wisconsin's underserved or underrepresented communities. There is NO charge to apply or attend WE LEAD and includes training materials and lodging, where applicable.

Attached to this email is this year's info sheet and link to the new WE LEAD application for 2017-2018. http://www.endabusewi.org/WE-LEAD-2017-2018-application/


Cody Warner
Children & Youth Prevention & Outreach Coordinator
608-255-0539 ext. 307

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