[Wiskidsdv] FW: 3 Exciting Webinars in November

Cody Warner codyw at endabusewi.org
Tue Nov 7 08:00:15 PST 2017

Below are some upcoming webinars that are hosted by SchoolHouse Connection.


[2018 Teen Summit - Email Signature]
Cody Warner
Children & Youth Prevention & Outreach Coordinator
End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin
1245 E. Washington Ave, Suite 150
Madison, WI 53703
Direct phone: (608) 255-0539 X307

February 4th – 6th  ▪ 2018 Teen Summit ▪ endabusewi.org/teensummit<http://www.endabusewi.org/teensummit/>





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Sesame Street in Communities: Traumatic Experiences
>> Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 1:00PM – 2:00PM EDT

An estimated 1.2 million children under the age of six experience homelessness. Homelessness and trauma are inextricably connected. Traumatic experiences change the way children’s’ brains are wired. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. It helps when children feel seen and heard by a caring adult and someone patiently teaches coping strategies and resilience-building techniques. Your friends at Sesame Street have created resources to help caring grown-ups like you mitigate the effects of traumatic experiences in the children you care for. In this webinar, we’ll walk through our latest initiative, Sesame Street in Communities, and explore a selection of these resources to help you bring these protective factors to life.


  *   Barbara Duffield – SchoolHouse Connection
  *   Grace Whitney – SchoolHouse Connection
  *   Tara Wright – Sesame Workshop
  *   Andrea Cody – Sesame Workshop

Register Now<https://schoolhouseconnection.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ccaf8007c654495ff29e18851&id=9bf9b3439f&e=9a6a2ca1dc>

Ensuring Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities for Students Experiencing Homelessness
>> Thursday, November 16, 2017, 12:00PM – 1:15PM EDT

ESSA’s amendments to the McKinney-Vento Act require that states have procedures to ensure that McKinney-Vento students “who meet the relevant eligibility criteria do not face barriers to accessing… extracurricular activities.” This new provision adds to longstanding requirements to remove barriers to enrollment (including full participation in school activities) and retention in school. Join the experts in a discussion of strategies to ensure full participation for all our McKinney-Vento students, including unaccompanied youth. We’ll review the law and hear strategies from a State Coordinator, the Assistant Executive Director of her state’s interscholastic activities association, and the liaison who inspired our “Making the Case” tool<https://schoolhouseconnection.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ccaf8007c654495ff29e18851&id=c93a1d953c&e=9a6a2ca1dc> on extra-curricular participation.


  *   Melinda Dyer – McKinney-Vento State Coordinator, WA
  *   Beth McCullough – McKinney-Vento Liaison, MI (Adrian Public Schools)
  *   John Miller – Assistant Executive Director, WA (Interscholastic Activities Association)
  *   Patricia Julianelle – Director of Program Advancement and Legal Affairs (SchoolHouse Connection)

Register Now<https://schoolhouseconnection.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ccaf8007c654495ff29e18851&id=773b7d9529&e=9a6a2ca1dc>

Breaking Down Educational Barriers: Insights from Students
>> Thursday, November 30, 2017, 1:00PM – 2:00PM EDT

Two young people, one who has graduated from college and one who is in the second year of a degree program, will share their tips for schools and service providers on how to identify youth who are experiencing homelessness, keep them engaged in and attending school, and work with them as true partners to get them to high school graduation and into (and through) post-secondary education. They will identify the challenges they have faced, and continue to face, as a result of experiencing homelessness, and describe the efforts that have been the most successful for advancing their academic careers and life goals. The webinar will include ample time for Q&A and conversation.


  *   Amy Bradley – Director of Youth Leadership & Scholarships (SchoolHouse Connection)
  *   Irene Sauceda – Peer Leader (SchoolHouse Connection)
  *   Edward Vere – Young Leader (SchoolHouse Connection)

Register Now<https://schoolhouseconnection.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ccaf8007c654495ff29e18851&id=22add89242&e=9a6a2ca1dc>

SchoolHouse Connection is a national non-profit organization promoting success for children and youth experiencing homelessness, from birth through higher education. Learn about us<https://schoolhouseconnection.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ccaf8007c654495ff29e18851&id=8b4cc99f00&e=9a6a2ca1dc>.

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